Friday, March 28, 2008


I want to know who is going to give me back my last eight years. What a complete waste of commodites, resources, not to mention lives. 8 years of total waste - from surplus to deficit. From a strong economy and boom, a strong world presence to a beyond deflated dollar to being despised wherever we go. Is it one man's fault? No it is every one's fault we let it happen. And we can't let it happen again. I miss my forties. I wanted them to be a good time they weren't. They were a dreadful time. One of war and terror. One on fear and loathing. A time for fear integrated deep into our hearts. Fear of everyday being a disaster. Not good.
Now maybe it is time for a change. Now maybe we can make that change happen. It is just 9 more months to a re-birth. 9 more months of gestation until a new America starts to reshape itself. I can't wait to get my $600.00 check so I can fill my gas tanks. Thanks, Dick.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Will Print Survive the Next 5 Years?

Ziff Davis announces bankruptcy! Time, Inc lays off 297 editorial workers and makes reference to its future laying on the Web. Tribune, times Mirror, etc.... all announcing cutbacks on staff. Print advertising not keeping pace with growth of online advertising. Microsoft buying online ad networks, along with Google and other giants. where do we think this is all headed?

If oil has reached $112 dollars a barrel and printing presses need energy to run and paper needs oil to be made where do we think that this is all going? Surely there are enough print readers left but what about Kindle? Why did Amazon develop this product? Why make a prototype for $399 available on your home page if you do not want or foresee the inevitable use of such devices? Why make over 100,000 titles available for download, why make it wirelessly connect to the Internet? What is going on here? You know when I see my neighbor painting and fixing up his house I kind of figure he is looking to sell.

Does Amazon see the future as eBooks? The development of eBooks has increased 56% from 2006 to 2007. Will kindlelike products be the textbook and magazine/newspaper reading devices of the near future? There's gotta be a reason why Google is building server farms the size of Rhode Island? Something is going on here? Maybe it's just me?

Monday, March 24, 2008

Getting Started in this Culture

It's been about 9 years of attempting to get this start up going. On and off due to the economy and such things but finally we are making some head way. It is a great idea and one with huge profit potential it is just that the market is not really there completely yet. There are so many possibilities. The millennial are getting to just the right age... or as I like to call them Gen-i. Generation interactive generation immediate, itinerant, isolation , Internet and such. they are a new breed one that looks at life differently then us boomers and like. Some have actually said to me that they don't want careers they just want to be famous and have money. they don't care how they get it just as long as they can have MTV crib like homes. A friend remarked that we have no culture today. He is a historian of civilizations and I have to admit that he is right. What is our culture 112 dollar a barrel oil and a seven year war with 4000 dead. What is our culture - re sampled music that takes tracks from nursery rhymes and makes them into hits. I'm not complaining I'm simply stating facts.
iI mean what do kids have to look forward to $500,000 dollar mortgages and jobs that are being outsourced. An economy that is crumbling under sub prime voodoo and the fact that their $120,000 college bill can't get them a $50,000 a year job. It is not funny and nobody is doing anything about it. Get started! Knowledge management is the new career for these kids. But knowledge of what? Will we all be just marketing geniuses? We need to find products that we actually need. The Web is simply the greatest tool ever created. It connects the world. We need to start teaching these kids about bits not atoms. We need to get started!